
Terms of Service

By using our website and extension(s) that come with it, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

Prohibited Actions

  • You are not allowed to use the extension(s) in any harmful way towards any player on the game defly.io or the developer Serial.
  • You must not interfere with the functionality or security of the website or the extension(s).
  • You are not allowed to reverse-engineer, decompile, or tamper with the extension(s) or website.
  • You must not exploit bugs or loopholes in the extension(s) or website for personal gain or to harm others. If a bug is found report it to @pinecone.tree
  • Do not use the extension(s) or website to harass, bully, or threaten others.
  • You cannot request or demand free admin giveouts or exclusive features or other special privileges.

Consequences of Violations

If you break any of the terms listed above or engage in other harmful behavior, you may be banned from using the extension(s) and/or website at any time. The decision to ban users is at the hands of the developer and/or an admin at the site.

Limitation of Liability

The developer of the extension(s) and website is not responsible for any issues or damages arising from the use of the site or extension(s). Use of the site and extension(s) is at your own risk.

General Terms

These terms are subject to change at any time without notice. It is your responsibility to review these terms regularly. Continued use of the site and extension signifies your acceptance of any updates to these terms. There is a chance that an admin on the discord server will ping Server Updates if the TOS changes.